Critical File Found
Summary :
It means whenever any web server or a web application having file that contains some kind of sensitive information and can be use for further attacks. It includes files having database passwords, web server authentication data, critical business logic information etc.
This is also one of the most common issue that is found on the websites. For finding this vulnerability I have made a file which contains 5000+ critical files that could be found on the websites.
How to find this vulnerability ?
- Go to your target website for example :
- Now add the identifier at the end of the URL like :
3. Now hit enter and capture the request using burp suite
4. Send the request to intruder and click on clear
5. Now select the idfn (identifier) and click on add
6. Now go to payload section and select the option Runtime file and add the payload file
7. Click on start attack and check for the Status - 200 which means file has been found
8. Now check the file
NOTE : If anyone wants the payload file then send me your email on instagram.
Thank you :)
Instagram : jerry._.3